Thursday, November 27, 2008

Poetry of Thanks

"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures." ~Thornton Wilder

I'll be honest. I woke up this morning not feeling particularly grateful. I was bummed to be working in Orlando today at the auto show instead of at home having a great dinner with Jeff and our family. It's been quite a whirl-wind tour from city to city and I am tired. I was up late last night watching CNN and what happened in Mumbai. It is so incredibly sad. Then of course, there is the political strife still going on in Thailand. My prayers this morning are for all those families affected by both crisis.

It really makes you realize how lucky we are and not to take a single moment for granted. So I shook off my woe, grabbed some Starbucks and headed outside. I sat in the sun and called my Mom, my Dad, Jeff (of course), my brother, and some friends. Jeff is heading to Harrisburg now to have dinner with his family so I will get to talk to them later when he gets there.I am so lucky to have all of them. We are blessed with a beautiful child that will soon be coming home and we will have many Thanksgivings together. So I have to work today. So what? I am lucky to have a great job in this fledging economy. I am working with really nice people and the auto show is even supplying us with a turkey dinner during our break. 

I sat by the pool (it's about 70 here today) and took account of the many reasons I have to be thankful on this day, even all by myself. The sun is shining and warm. The wind is blowing through the palm trees gently. I am alive and healthy. I have had a lot of great bookings and travel to great cities that have made this month fly by. It has occupied my mind and kept if off the least a little less. And most importantly, I have the love of my family and friends. I wish that everyone out there has a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving and a wonderful day with your families. Special prayers to those families in Thailand right now trying to get home with their children.

I leave you with this beautiful poem of thanks:

For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.

For flowers that bloom about our feet;
For tender grass, so fresh, so sweet;
For song of bird, and hum of bee;
For all things fair we hear or see,
Father in heaven, we thank Thee!

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Happy Thanksgiving!


JiLL said...

Hi Jen. Happy Thanksgiving. No I never got your email. I might have deleted by accident, oopps!?! I am in the process of switching my blog over to wordpress, i think I will keep this one up just for my bloglist. I can't figure out how to set up a blogroll, so that it automatically updates when someone publishes new post. I'll send ya a private email. I'll keep a look out for yours, so i don't deleted it on accident : )

rosemary said...

I understand! My company cancelled my trip to Thailand for the meantime due to the political strife and the airport still being closed. I'm very sad and frustrated by this. However, as you said, I have every reason to be grateful so I'm just going to get happy!

Megan said...

Hi Jen,

I read your blog when you were gone in Vegas, glad you had a good time! I am on Thailandadopt, waiting to bring our son home. Happy Thanksgiving and i look forward to following your journey!


Carey and Norman said...

Happy Thanksgiving. I know being away from home is hard at the holidays. Glad you are able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and know that next year will be much different. It won't be long now.