Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sparkle Plenty!

A cute little phrase my Gram used to say. And she loved sparkle. Whether she meant it for her spic and span house or the beads on her sweater, she was a glammy grammy and just a doll. I think of her often. Not surprisingly, a lot when I am cleaning. Yesterday Jeff and I tore the house apart during Ruby's nap to make room for the tree. We put the bakers rack in the dining room and put the wine cabinet from the living room into the kitchen in it's place. We rearranged the living room, cleaned, and took down all the fall decorations to make way for the Christmas ones. The place is starting to shine for the holidays! I just love it. So excited for the holidays this year! Ruby looked around quizzically when she got up, but without much care as she ran for her toys and to the TV for her favorite show: The Wonder Pets. She actually tried to sing the song the other day and says Ming-ming. It's so cute! 

We (finally) started our Christmas shopping yesterday, too. Jeff ran out and picked up a few things while I shopped online before Ruby got up. Christmas is underway at our house! Hooray! We got Ruby the Wonder Pet fly boat, my brother is getting her the school house, and we got a play set from Jeff's cousins Matt & Becky and their 2 sweet boys. We also ordered her a kitchen. It's so cool and has double ovens, washer, laundry basket, microwave, sink, clock, phone, pots, pans, and a storage cabinet. It also matches the kitchen which makes me happy since it will be the first thing you see when you walk in the house for the next few years. We are getting one from my cousin Angie (which is SO nice of them) but since we wanted this one originally, we decided we will keep the other one for Grandma's house. Ruby loves kitchen play so we are thrilled she can do this at my mom's house, too. Here's a picture of it:
Our kitchen is yellow with red and green accents and because I am just so particular and matchy, I'm going to paint (with non-toxic paint) all the blue parts the same shade red as the drawers. It's gonna look way cute and give her hours of fun! Can't wait to see her face!

Today we will put up the lights, garland, and maybe get a tree. It's gonna be sparkling plenty around here...and wait till we start the outside! Daddy's making big plans and quite frankly, I'm afraid. LOL!


Jessica said...

Oh, what a special Christmas this will be for you all. So exciting!! That's a riot about painting her little kitchen to have all the parts match, but I'd do the exact same thing. I'm with you!

Can't believe your holidays with her are finally here. It makes last year seem so long ago.

rosemary said...

Christmas with a toddler - what a delight! That kitchen is super cute!!

Mireille said...

You will all have so much fun this first Xmas for Ruby!! Can't wait to see all the pics! Magical it will be!