Feeling desperate, I contacted Dr. Jane Aronson from NY. She is the doctor I wanted to go with originally, but we went with CHOP because they were closer...and a little less expensive, easier to get to, local affiliates near us, etc. Another choice that SEEMED like a good idea at the time. Anyway, Dr. Aronson is the one that reviewed Ruby's info when we first got it years ago so I had her email. I wrote her a letter at 8:44 pm saying that I would call her office in the morning but I was so at wits end and could she help. She wrote me back 10 MINUTES later saying "first of all, she will be fine, calm down,...don't worry, I can help - I promise". Okay, LOVE HER! She went on to ask for Ruby's labs, weight, info, etc. and made me promise that I would call the office and make an appt to come in to see her. I promised and I did. In the meantime, she called in a 21 day prescription for a stronger dose and version of her medicine from her pharmacy in CT that makes it taste real good for kids. We got in overnighted and it arrived the next day. Talk about service! Now THAT is the way a doctor should be! On the ball, ready with the remedy, and she even emailed me the next day - all while she was out of town and after hours! What a great lady! I am so grateful to have found her and only kicking myself still a little for not going to her in the first place. Ruby & I will treck up to NYC in May to meet her and get a full check up. She should be cured of giardia by then, but it won't hurt to get checked by a doc that knows what she is doing.
Advice to anyone whose child gets giardia:
-Make sure your Dr. has dealt with this before! Chop downtown did but our pediatrician did not. It would take them days to get with each other and discuss before coming up with a new plan every time she'd get it back!
- You do not necessarily have to have the runs to have giardia. Her biggest symptoms have been lack of sleep and appetite when it flairs up. The stools have been almost the same.
-Do NOT have a gap in between meds. If they prescribe 5-7 days, ask for more or retest after 4-5 but don't stop taking the meds until you know the giardia is gone. This is the biggest mistake our doctor (and we) made. It comes back and grows stronger if you stop and then start again.
- 14-21 days works best with strong cases of giardia and metronidazole benzoate sits well with children. It is chemically different than the generic brand, Flagyl that is generally used.
-Call Dr. Jane Aronson for any and all info on international adoptive medicine!!!
(see her website at www.orphandoctor.com)
Quit beating yourself up cos it won't help and Ruby won't remember this anyway!
So glad you have found someone that knows what you are dealing with. Dr. Jane is truly the best for IA.
Oh Buggar!!! Poor little Ruby!! I was wondering how you were going with it. Glad you are onto stronger meds and hopefully that nasty little parasite is gone for good this time!!
Sharon xx
So glad you found a dr. willing to go above and beyond. Hopefully she'll help you kick this once and for all. That giardia sure has some staying power!
Oh my goodness!!! So glad to have your advice before we leave!! I just emailed you, and had been wondering how this issue was going, and went to check your blog to find this! Bummer!!!! I am so thankful you have found wisdom from Dr. Aronson. We'll definitely soak in all of your advice!!!
Poor little thing! Hopefully the meds will take care of that parasite once and for all!!!!!!!
OH NO!! I am so sorry to read this!! Hope it will be over soon and then forever!
Dr. Aronson is amazing!! We met her at the adoption conference we attended. Her speech about medicine and being an adoptive mom was so powerful. If we had stayed in the city I would have moved heaven and earth to use her as our regular pediatrician. I hope this the issue. Hang in there, babe!
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