Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Now and Then

Our first shot together as a family...10 months ago, Sept. 14, 2009. Tomorrow we finalize and legally become a family forever. I am overcome with emotions. GOOD emotions. Relief. Gratefulness. Soooo much love and happiness! This sweet and (at first) shy little girl has blossomed before our eyes. She has lit up our lives in a way we could have only dreamed of. And yet here she is...every day!
Here are 2 more photos from that first meeting day -

Mommy and Ruby's first minutes.
Her personality already showing.

So those are the "THEN" pics and here are the "NOWS". She is wearing the same dress she wore that first day. The orphanage let us keep it because our friend Anna bought it for her. Oh, how she has grown and come into her own in such a short time! Ruby is such a silly little bug and loves to make faces. I took her picture then she wanted me to take another. She said "MOMMY! Happy face!"
"Happy" lead to a bunch of other silly faces and how fun the next few minutes were as she posed for the camera.
Kissy face

LOL, she is trying to do her "sad" face but the smile comes through
Same with the "mad" face. Too darn silly to pull it off.
I think this was a surprised face
And this is just plain cute whatever it is.
Sleepy face
and last, 2 takes of what she calls her "silly" face.
How we love this girl and all that personality. 

Ruby you are the greatest joy of our lives. We are proud to call you our daughter and feel forever blessed to be finalizing your adoption tomorrow! Life is beautiful!


Wyndee said...

She's such a little beauty, Jen, and those first meeting pics always bring tears to my eyes. You're a lucky family!

Jessica said...

Wow! So far, so fast. I love that's she's wearing that dress again in these pics. Adorable as always. Congrats on finalizing. It must feel so GOOD.

Anonymous said...

Jen, I am thinking about you today on your big court date. It is so great to feel a new chapter begin with today I am sure.Congratulations.

dawn said...

Jacob and I are thrilled for your family. Congratulations

Ellie said...

Wonderful day for your sweet family.

That pic of the girls always brings tears to my eyes. Such a sweet, sad moment.