Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of School!

Well, we did it! Made it through our first morning with no tears or drama whatsoever! In, fact she was really into it and happily bounced out of the car and into the school.  Not too surprised cause when I took her in last week for a meet & great she didn't want to leave! We played in her classroom - just her and I - for a good hour while she carefully looked at and played with puzzles and games and then put each one back. Last night she played "school" with Jeff & I (being her students).  It was really funny...she was so animated! We knew she was excited. But when this morning came, we were all rather sleepy. After spending a week getting her back to an early bed time, she was too excited to fall asleep last night. Then she tossed and turned all night. I had to (literally) pick up out of bed and carry her to the bathroom for a bath. Turned around for a minute and came back to find her sleeping like this on the rug! LOL!
Sleepy head eventually decided to get into the tub and was a happy camper after that. What a little trooper, my miss! Think we will all go to bed early tonight!
I was all giddy to make her a happy little bento box lunch for school.
"I'm READY!" she said with a full back pack consisting of a note for teacher, lunch box, and 2 dollies. When I asked her if it was too heavy. She said "No, Mommy, cause I too STRONG!" Well, alright then! A good start to the new school year!


dawn said...

Rubes gets more beautiful by the day...kinda like her mummy really.
So glad that school was a "non-event" in the drama department.

Ellie said...

Such a doll, herself!!! Love that she was back asleep on the rug :) Lily is definitely not a morning person! She needs a good 10-15 minutes to sit and process that it's time to get up... she usually has one eye open, and one eye closed for that time period. Such fun!!! Glad Ruby is ready for another school year!!! Hoping she loves every minute this time around!!!

Kate said...

She looks ready for a GREAT year!!! Love the Bento. What a differenc a year makes, right???

Jessica said...

Hurray for such a great first day of school. That's some impressive sleeping on the rug she had going on there!

Mireille said...

Congrats on the smooth 1st day of school! But I know my Ruby, she is a trooper!!