Friday, January 2, 2009

New Pics!

I went back and added pics from Christmas, a post from the 29th, and some pics and a post about friends. I put them in where on the date where they were meant to go. Scroll down for a look!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Jen,

I came across your blog from Karen's blog (always in my heart). Congratulations on your adoption! I look forward to reading your journey. I love reading adoption stories since before and after we adopted our daughter from China in 2005.

You are right that keeping in touch with children from the same orphanage is a good thing. It helps the child later to know someone who shares the same history and journey to their families. We still meet with our travel group twice a year so the girls can get together. A bonus is that one of the girls lives in the same city we do so we try to get them together often.

I would still love to follow your journey when you go private. If you want to check out who I am, I also have a blog.
