Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Snap Crackle Pop

Okay, you know those commercials for Rice Krispies you have been watching your whole life? The ones where the Mom and child gleefully pour milk into their cereal bowl and ultimately the mother says something like listen, honey, it's snap, crackle, pop! And then the child says I can hear it, Mommy! I can hear it! This brought me to tears while on the treadmill at the gym yesterday. Seriously. So what I would like to know is why didn't anyone warn me about these adoption-induced 9 month pregnancy type mood swings? And the next question is, CAN I PLEASE GO TO THAILAND NOW? I need to hold my baby!


dawn said...

Consider this a public service announcement:
Once you actually hold you child the tears will only get worse. You will cry at anything and for no reason whatsoever. It will not matter what time of the month it is you will cry. Happy things will make you cry, sad things will make you cry, cheerios will make you cry.
It is brilliant. Motherhood turns you into some sort of fountain or water feature but it is your right of passage and you cannot change it.
But think about it at least we only cry and don't suddenly pee ourselves!LOL

Ellie said...

I don't know Dawn, but that comment was hilarious!!! Motherhood is a beautiful, wonderful thing! I'm with you! Need to get you on that plane! It won't be long, now!!!

christina said...

So funny. Reminds me of when I was waiting for M and a Sarah MacLaughlin song came on the radio. I started singing with it and the next thing I now I'm bawling my eyes out. I actually had to pull over to get composed again. Now that I am a parent I am much more sensitive to violence and gore on TV/Movies. I ditto what Dawn said, I'm totally like that. We went and saw the movie Up and I bawled my eyes out, it was a tender movie, but I think I took it to a new level. Lol

Kam said...

Right here with you! And it doesn't help that Kate told me today that we would likely have to wait another 6 weeks before this thing is all tidied up to ask for travel dates. ugh. I'm so tired.

But let those tears come! You're so close!