Saturday, October 24, 2009

Big Girl!

So proud of Ruby! She is saying more and more words and picking up so much. She loves to sit on her potty in the bathroom so I decided to make a bold move today. I recognized the "poopy face" and ran her upstairs. I was too late but the concept was introduced. She seemed amused and got it I think. Jeff grabbed a tiny little Thai doll as a reward and we made a big fuss. So it's a start! 

She also learned to jump and is doing more and more on her own. At the playground she is taking the steps and climbing on thing more on her own. While it makes me a bit nervous, I see many kids younger than her doing it so I am backing off a tiny bit. (Not easy for me to do!) So I am still there in case she should fall, but letting her do more on her own. She tries to put her socks and shoes on now and is wanting to do more things herself every day. We are so proud of our big girl!


dawn said...

Yay Ruby!
Did you do the poopy dance? Every Mama has one.

Ellie said...

Wow! Beginning to reach a lot of milestones already! Sounds like she's doing WONDERFULLY!! :)

Mireille said...

Love to read about all this little big milestones!! She is doing great!