Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween & Five Star Morning

Hope everyone had a good time with their little ones yesterday! We weren't sure what Ruby would make of trick or treating, but she really had a good time! She looked so sweet in her Snow White costume and was happy to wear it all day. Yesterday was a blurr of activities. We had a rough night of (not) sleeping, and so we got up late. So we hopped out of bed and got moving! Got the little miss a bath and breakfast and then headed to our little town's "main" street for a parade and harvest festival. We were late and missed the parade and it was raining lightly, but at least we got to see our friends, hear some music, and look around a bit . After that, we hopped back in the car and went over to the mall where they have trick or treating for the kids. It was a mad house and a bit overwhelming for Ruby I think (and for us!), but it was fun, too. In hindsight, working harder to get her a nap might have been a better idea, as she was too worked up and didn't take one later. Oh, well. I guess we were just so excited for her first Halloween that we didn't want to miss a thing. 

Around 5pm, we headed over to our good friends house (Charlsey & John) to join them, their kids, and their great neighborhood friends (who we have gotten to know) for trick or treating. The weather ended up to be great. Stopped raining and was fairly warm for this time of year. Perfect for the kids to run around! It's funny how Ruby just stepped right in and after a few houses, just ran up to the door with all the other kids, all excited and putting out her pumpkin for a treat. She was so cute and giddy and the funny thing is we haven't given her any candy so I don't even think she knew what she was getting! Just excited to be getting all this "stuff" in her pumpkin! She insisted on carrying that pumpkin around even when pretty heavy so I kept sneaking stuff out to lighten the load when I could get away with it. LOL. It was great fun and our friends hosted a wonderful party. 

We left early to get the little one to bed and she slept pretty good - only waking once in the middle of the night. I brought her in bed with me and she let me hold her close. (Usually, she will cuddle in my arms when going down, but then when she is really ready to sleep she often sprawls out and doesn't want touched). It was so wonderful. We fell asleep all snuggled up like 2 spoons.  She woke up around briefly around 6 am and I was ready to just get up until Daddy crept in later to remind me about daylight savings time! An whole extra hour! What to do? We let her fall back to sleep and he took my place so I could come down and do dishes, laundry, and the like. They are still sleeping at nearly 8. Woo-hoo! Funny what my idea of a 5 star morning is now: The luxury of 6 hours of sleep, Ruby getting enough rest, being able to straighten up my downstairs, do laundry & dishes, and a bit of computer time. Yipee!

Update on the Giardia: Ruby is half way done with her medicine and it has made a big difference. So happy she is getting better! She didn't eat a lot yesterday, but her symptoms have been dramatically reduced and she doesn't seem to be having stomach cramps like she was. Yay! AND we had a BIG milestone here this week, too. She actually went on her potty TWICE! We are super proud of her and made a big fuss. She is so eager to learn things and is understanding us so much more every day. It is awesome to see. As for me...I am doing okay, too. Back is fine and I may not have giardia. Still not sure, but things are definitely getting better! (Another thing that makes this a 5 star morning!)

And last, but certainly not least, we heard AWESOME news the other day from our friends, Nancy & John...they are getting their beautiful boy in time for Christmas!!!! HUGE congrats to you guys on getting travel dates! We are soooo happy/giddy/excited/elated for you!!! 


Mireille said...

Happy Halloween!! How fun did Ruby's first Halloween turned out, great to read! And I am so glad you are both feeling better!!

Kam said...

So glad she had a great Halloween! And glad she is feeling better. Parasites are no fun! I know from experience and my trip to Italy a few years ago. Anyway, seems like you are settling into motherhood perfectly! So happy for you!

Hannah said...

Jen - I've been so busy I haven't checked the blog recently - but it sounds like things are going well. Glad you had a good Halloween and I can't until you can post a picture or two!

Jessica said...

Sounds like it was a great first Halloween. Glad she got in the spirit of things and she and you are feeling better.

Reading about a six-hour night being a treat does make me laugh though. How quickly things change. How much trouble am I in??

rosemary said...

Congratulations on your first Halloween! I am so glad that Ruby had a good time. She sounds like she has such a great adventurer personality. I just love that in a girlfriend!

Chris and Terri said...

Sounds like a blast to me!

dawn said...

Everything is so much more fun now isn't it! I love the fact that you kept lightening her load for her, when her pumpkin got to sweet.