Friday, February 26, 2010

Dreaming of Spring

And in my dream, it looks like this. I have been good. I have embraced the weather the best I can. We have had fun, played music, danced, did crafts, made messes, made tons of fattening baked goods, and exhausted all indoor activities imaginable over the last 2 weeks. But now I am over it. Now I want bright colored flowers and eating outside. A little red tricycle whizzing around the patio, my little girl in a cute sundress, Jeff at the BBQ, and Mommy all aglow from the sunshine. Yes, I won't get that for another couple months, but that is what I am dreaming of today.


Kam said...

Amen and amen! I'm not even kidding! You've had such a hard Winter weather I shouldn't even comment! But man oh man, I'm sooooo ready for Spring! Love those tulips! I had some in a vase on our island in the kitchen last week and it gave me some serious Spring fever!

Jessica said...

I think this means you need to come and visit me. It hailed here today, but we've already had flip flop weather. Tempting?

Maci Miller said...

Jessica -VERY tempting! :-)

Ellie said...

I'm with you!!! Dreaming of SPRING! I just got caught up with all your most recent posts. I love that you found a great pre-school! Sounds wonderful!!!

dawn said...

You are always welcome here.