Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ruby & Santa

Very happy with Ruby's "Santa" picture this year! Last year she was scared and wouldn't sit on his lap unless I did. This year she was all giddy. Here's a short video I took. Very sweet!

Visit With Santa from Maci Miller on Vimeo.
Thanks to Christina for the Vimeo recommendation. Easy to use!

Happy Holidays!!!


Mireille said...

Both these videos are so cute, love to hear her voice!!
Happy Holidays!!

Jessica said...

Oh, cute Santa photo. T was NOT pleased we took him to see Santa. He even rejected Santa's candy (I guess just to shame us for torturing him so.)

What did Ruby ask Santa for? I heard Santa say pink bike but then maybe that wasn't correct? Sure hope she gets it, whatever it is!

Maci Miller said...

Thanks, ladies. Jess - she asked Santa for "a Buzz" but he thought she said a pink bike so she corrected him. haha. Then she said a barbie. We got her the Island Barbie doll that goes with the movie of the same name which is her favorite ever. She also asks for the rapunzel dress and doll whenever we are in Disney or she sees the movie trailer. Those are both in the closet as well. So much fun shopping for her! Had trouble stopping!!!

Pink Velvet Mommy said...

Such a cute video! Santa sounds like he is from the northeast:) instead of the north pole LOL

Ellie said...

She's so precious!!! I couldn't watch the video (I'm at work). Will have to catch it later! I meant to tell you the other day, when we were on the phone, that Ruby is talking so clearly! I loved hearing her say the days of the week! She's adorable!!!

Chris and Terri said...

Too Cute for words that little Ruby!!!

Love these - next week is our trip to Santa, we'll see but I predict lots of screams! LOL