Thursday, March 3, 2011

Random Shots of Cuteness

Playing Princess Tiana. So funny, as soon as I think she will never get back into dress up, she asks me for her Tiana dress...and wore it two days in a row!
Here is a little princess play date she had with Ava the next day. She loves to take her friends up to her room and play. It's so cute!
I laughed when my little brother gave us "Snuggies" for Christmas. LOL, Ruby LOVES it. She was sick this day so she got breakfast by the TV while wrapped up in her Snuggie.
This was after hours of moon sand play. I went to clean it up but she insisted on doing it. She absolutely LOVES the vaccuum cleaner. God bless her, I hope she still loves it when she's a teen!
Think this was the same sick day. She looks so long here! Love the little Elmo slippers sticking out the end.
A fun play date with her friend Brianna lead to an afternoon break watching Tinkerbell. Both were entranced as you can see. 
She wanted to play dress up again when she saw her dress from Christmas hanging. So she wore it with boa, hat, and gloves and we had a big 'ole tea party.
Haha. Look how big the gloves are. I have a big box of fancy gloves that were my great grandmothers. She was quite the snappy dresser, I hear. Loved playing with those gloves when I was little so it's so sweet to see her having fun with them now. (And yes, that is a big laundry basket full of clothes in the background. Did they get put away? Nope. Not that day. We were too busy having fun.)
Pouring tea for her caterpillars and butterfly. 
Playing clean up. 
Silly lil miss
I heart cleaning. Gotta love that.


Mireille said...

You can put 100 pictures of her up here, and they are ALL cute and adorable. She is a good player, I love her imagination and her smiley face!! Can't' wait to see her soon myself :-)

Maci Miller said...

Thanks, Mireille! Yea, she has a good imagination. When she was playing "Tiana" she asked for her paper, her paper! I had no idea what she was talking about but after a minute or so I figured it out. Tiana ( in the movie) always carries a picture of her dream restaurant that her Daddy gave her. So we drew a picture like it and she carried it around. So funny!

Jessica said...

God bless her for loving the vacuum. May it be long-lived. That apron is a riot. I guarantee that's not what my apron would say.

That smile melts!

Maci Miller said...

LOL, Jess! MIne either!