Thursday, April 7, 2011

Grumpy Day

Actually it was ME that was grumpy this morning and not Rubes. But I've been meaning to post this picture for weeks and it goes with my mood today. The day Ruby made this face she woke up in a bad mood - which is a rare occurrence for the lil gal who wakes up like miss sunshine most days. I forget why she was mad but when I saw that face at the bfast table I bust out laughing. I couldn't help myself. It was so darn funny that I couldn't find the words to reprimand the behavior. Instead I grabbed the camera and showed it to her, still laughing. She laughed too and the bad mood was forgotten. Wish I was so easily swayed.

I woke up with a sinus headache and a cold AGAIN. But, hey, it's nothing like the strep throat so thank God for that! Still, I woke tired and groggy then went to the dentist and dropped a truckload on my ever burdensome teeth. They are now sparkly clean and a plan is in place to replace my 2 fillings and 1 crown that were not done right the first time (by another dentist) and causing discomfort. I am thinking my teeth bleaching dreams are out the window for awhile.  I am also thinking I'd like to be a dentist in my next life. :-)

So tonight I am still a tad grumpy inside, but hanging with Rubes this evening sure did wonders. She is so funny. Was singing and dancing up a storm tonight and was so silly during our bedtime reading. There is this one book she reads with Jeff that she knows by heart. Wag or Earl The Dog something?? She is very animated and such a hoot! Gotta try to tape them one night. Anyway, my hair color (done yesterday) looks drab, my teeth and wallet are sore, and my cold is ever so annoying. But this too shall pass. I got a great kid who is happy, feeling much better, and sleeping in her own bed. These are really good things. :-)


Wendy said...

Love the face! That's how I look most mornings!

Maci Miller said...

LOL, Wendy. Yea, why do you think I posted her grumpy face and not mine...not nearly so cute!

Jessica said...

Hope you're feeling better soon! Bummer about the teeth - maybe you and T could go in on a dentist co-op? I'm pretty sure we're making ours rich too.

Mireille said...

Aww Jen! I hope you feel better soon, maybe even by the time I write this!!
You are right though, you can't be long grumpy around a kid that is this funny, beautiful and cheery!! Even with a grumpy face!!