Sunday, April 10, 2011


My little angel praying. She sat quietly for the longest time. When we are at the temple we try to follow along with the customs. Of course, neither of us know what they are saying, but it doesn't matter. There is a calm peace there. And lovely people. I think it's comforting for her just to be there sometimes and hear them speak and do their chants. Today a friend and her boy that we have seen there before brought us out some food (because they were almost out) and had us join them at their table. It was so nice. We were very late getting there because I was still feeling under the weather. Jeff & Ruby were so quiet this morning that I actually slept in til 10:00! But once I woke, I knew I had to get moving and celebrate this day. It would be easy to stay in and just skip the holiday. In fact, Jeff offered to take Ruby out all day so I could rest. But I couldn't. Traditions are only traditions when you stick with them. And even though life can be hectic and sometimes you don't feel like going anywhere, it's almost always worth it to make the effort. This is an important Thai holiday and I knew I should do this for my daughter. I'm so glad I did.

We sat and ate with our friends and when a young monk came up to the front to speak she translated for me. He had such a happy face, this monk, and when he talked you could tell he had a great sense of humor. The people laughed a lot and really seemed to enjoy him. I didn't get the whole thing translated, but I liked the bits I got. He talked about water and why it was important on this day. (He did not mention water gun fights, LOL). He said when someone or something gets you upset, think of your mind like water...and keep it cool and calm. A nice analogy and good advice for those stressful moments in life. (Like PMS). He also said if that doesn't work FLEE! I thought this was kinda funny and so did everyone else. I think he meant to try to remove yourself from the situation but it was just the way it came out...very funny.

Outside it was a beautiful day. Warm and breezy and the temple just gets prettier every time we see it. The outer temple is much more ornate now. You would not believe how much it feels like Thailand there. There were stalls of people selling goods and this sand display (below) that I hadn't ever seen before. I'm still not sure, but I think it's for good luck. All Ruby knew was that it was SAND CASTLES. I'm so thankful she showed such restraint and didn't dive in. She loves sand!
Happy little bug posing with the sand stupor and little "castles". I was told this is a Thai new year tradition so we made our donation, grabbed a cup of sand and turned it upside down. Then you put a little flag in it. Ruby chose red and it cracks me up again and again that I picked the right name for her. She picks red most of the time if given a choice of colors. (Pink being a close 2nd.)

Here another little girl (Tinha) is showing her what to do.
I just know she wanted to get her hands in there.
Smiles and hugs for our friend Rose.

A really nice afternoon with my Ruby on her last day being 3. *Sigh* I am a bit choked up tonight thinking about my baby turning 4. How proud I am of this she is growing up and how far she has come. She is in her bed every night now and doing so much more on her own. It's amazing. Just like when she turned 3 and decided she was done with naps, all of sudden at 4 she's decided to be more independent. Go figure! She really gets that it's her birthday now, too, and is so excited. I am, too. It's gonna be a fun week and I can hardly wait for her party. Most of details and some of the baking have been attended to so we are really on schedule and looking good here for a fun but relaxed day. Even the magnolia tree looks like it's gonna bloom this week to perfectly match my color scheme. (Thanks, Mother Nature!) Now about that rain they are calling for....can we work on that?

Tonight Rubes went out with Daddy for a visit with Uncle Jay and Ryan. I could have kicked back on the couch and relaxed, but did I? Nope. Too excited. Instead I made my sweet kiddo and her classmates some delectable chocolate cupcakes with pink icing (and sprinkles as per the birthday girls' request). I also made another batch of pink marshmallows and oh my they are delicious! Off to dreamland now b4 I get the urge to bake something else. 

Suksan Wan Songkran! (Happy Thai New Year)


Jessica said...

What a lovely Songkran day! Our wat is celebrating next weekend. I didn't know about the sand castles (I'm with Ruby that's what they look like to me too!). I'm going to ask when I go.

Way to be a trooper, Jen! A special happy Songkran to you too.

c & b said...

Suksan Wan Songkran to you and the fam! I can't believe all that you are making for R's birthday, puts me to shame. I just make a reservation at the bowling alley each year, lol. Granted my excuse is that it's in late Nov and the weather is just too unpredictable to plan anything at home. Happy Birthday to your sweet girl. It is hard to believe she's 4 already. I still sometimes reflect about that day we met at the cafe to talk about adoption. Hugs!

Maci Miller said...

Thanks, gals. Christina - it's a labor of love for me to bake and create and plan Ruby's party. I'm not busy working and I'm not doing any new music at the moment. So doing this for my girl has been a great creative outlet for me and so much fun!