Monday, May 16, 2011

Lounge Lizard

Lots of warm afternoons means lots of water table play. As far as I can tell, that water table was the best thing we ever bought. Right up there with moon sand, her vanity, Barbies, and play jewelry. Ok, and shoes. LOVES her shoes. Anyway, she spent a lot of time splashing lately.
She likes to get completely SOAKED and seems to equally enjoy lounging around afterward in a snuggly towel. Was a little cold when this particular shot was taken, but the sun came back out shortly and she was perfectly content.

Another day...another opportunity for lounging. Think Jeff is gonna have 2 spa girls on his hands some AND Ruby. Just a hunch.
Earlier that same day splashing away. 
When we finally gave Ruby her bounce house, Ryan was over that day. They had such a ball. 
Little bug has been (finally) showing more interest in getting herself dressed. The bad news? There are some really interesting color combinations! Cute, though.
Hanging out on the neighbors home made monkey bar.

So great to be outdoors! Love spring! And summer is just around the corner! YEA!


Jessica said...

Loving Ruby in that fun towel and her sunglasses. The girl knows how to relax!

Our water table gets lots of use too. He especially like it when we put ice cubes in it (and I have to pretend not to see him eat them as they start to melt. I've tried stopping it but I think it's futile!)

Maci Miller said...

lol, Jess, that hilarious! When I read that about the ice cubes I thought - oh what a good idea! And then I thought...yea, Ruby would try to eat them too! Digs them out of her water glass now whenever we eat out.

Anonymous said...

Ruby looks like she is having so much fun. It is amazing how simple things like water tables can bring such joyful fun to kids. Great pictures.

Ellie said...

Lovin' the pics of your little lounging lizard! :) She looks like she is having a wonderful spring already!!! We've had nothing but rain for the past several weeks :(

Looks like you had a beautiful Mother's Day, too!!! And can't wait to hear all about your business trip!!!

We've been doing VERY well! Lily kicked the giardia after one round of flaggyl!!! Couldn't believe it! We thought we'd be in for the long haul on that one!

We've been busy around here. Enjoying our family of 6!!! We had a water leak in our kitchen... going through the claims process with that... our house is all torn up right now. Keeps us on our toes! Hoping to see you in July, too!! I REALLY need to turn in our registration!

Love to you and your sweet family,

Anonymous said...

i am inspired, water table and bouncy castle thingy for my little man it must be :)

Maci Miller said...

Water, jumping, sand or anything messy...always a hit, Gem!