Thursday, June 23, 2011

This and That

A lot going on here lately. A lot of beginnings and endings. Ok, mostly endings. School is over. Little Gym is done. Dance class done and her 1st recital is this weekend. Actually, the dress rehearsal was today followed by shows on Sat and Sun.  It was sooo cute!

Trying to get used to having no schedule. We are loving the sleeping in part but I feel I need to step up my game with no schedule. So we are crafting and playing and doing all sorts of fun things...and yea, a little TV, too. My back went out Monday - just when I had about 8 million things to do - so I was somewhat limited. My friend Dawn took her for a few hours on Tuesday (huge help and Ruby did great!) and Jeff helped with Ruby and got her to the Dr's.  Poor thing woke up Tues at 3 am screaming that her ear hurt. Turns out she ruptured an ear drum. My poor sweet girl. The Dr. was shocked she hasn't been moody or complaining of pain b4 it burst. We all think maybe the ear tube fell out leaving little tear but have no idea how she handles pain so well.  She hadn't complained about it at all before that night. She is on antibiotics and out of pain for now, but hearing may be muffled in her left ear for awhile and have to keep water out of it. Armed with earplugs and ear drops.

We buried Jeff's beautiful Grandmother last Saturday. A very sad day. But what followed was a really nice visit with his whole family. What a great bunch they are. We looked at pictures, we laughed, and we celebrated her life. Sunday we had brunch with Jeff's dad and a BBQ with mine.
Pooped after bouncing with Aunt Tammie
Upside down girls cloud gazing

Jeff & his Dad enjoying a Bloody Mary. We got to see my Dad later that night for an awesome dinner and hang. So nice. I got Jeff one of his favorite freezer mugs and a cell phone case (he's so easy and practical). From Ruby, he got a sweet book called "The Daddy Book" by Todd Parr. Love his books and so does Ruby.

 Daddy opening his goodies. I got Jeff one of his favorite freezer mugs and a cell phone case (he's so easy and practical). From Ruby, he got a sweet book called "The Daddy Book" by Todd Parr. Love his books and so does Ruby.
Family shot

On Ruby's 1st day off of school we had 3 play dates! 1st my nephew Ryan was here and the kids did 2 hours of crafts and puzzles. Then my bro picked him up and Ruby and I headed to Dawn's house to play with Brie and 2 other girls. They splashed in Brie's little pool, did crafts, and had a ball.
It was giggly delight! Later, Ruby got to swim in a big pool with her friends Ava and Logan. She did really well. I forgot my suit and had to borrow one from my friend, Charlsey. I'm sure she thinks I am crazy cause I didn't want to swim but had to put one on anyway. I know she was right there but I don't feel comfortable not being in the water or very close when Ruby is in the pool. Gotta take her somewhere local for lessons so I can relax a little. That being said, Rubes is a fish and loves it. She wears her swimmies and an intertube and kicks herself all the way to the deep end. Jumps off the side, too, and has no fear. I guess that is a good thing. :-) Of course, that was all b4 her ear drum burst. We have to be super careful now as water in her ear could cause more problems but we are armed with ear plugs and ear drops!

Headed into a very busy weekend! Ruby has recital Sat and Sun., lots of family coming, and packing for the beach!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Poor Ruby and that ear drum (and poor Jen, and your back). I can't believe she didn't complain!

So sorry about Jeff's grandmother but what a nice way to honor her in that family gathered and celebrated her.

I've never heard of Todd Parr, going to go look him and his books up.