Thursday, December 18, 2008

Don't Mess With The Moms!

Okay, I had to smile at the great response I got to my last post. Mom's speak out! I posted the link that I found offensive in the last post. I will go back and highlight it so the link takes you right there. Take a look if you want and decide for yourself if you think it's appropriate. Really, the comments I got were not mean or hateful. Odd at times and on a few occasions I get links like this one to sites pushing US adoptions only or talking negatively about international adoptions. Now mind you, I find that very rude and offensive since CLEARLY we are PRO-international adoption, but heck, it ain't the end of the world.

And, like most things, it happened for a darn good reason. For one, I have found support and kinship in all of you that commented and emailed. I also decided to make the blog private soon which is better for our family in the long run. It's a good idea for me to get used to unwanted comments anyway. We will surely get them from time to time. So it's good for me to thicken the skin now...AND come up with some really great come-backs! And lastly, I got some really nice emails from readers that have written me to tell me they follow the blog and want an invite. So hey, I might have picked up a few new friends! It will probably take me a week or so yet to make the blog private so if you want an invite and are not crazy or rude, please email me. (Email at the top of blog in welcome paragraph). I'd also love to see your blogs, so if you have one, send a link! Once our girl is home and we can legally put her pic up I may go public again. We'll see.

Thanks again for the support I have gotten from so many of you lately! It's nice to know we are in this together! And speaking of which....a very special thank you to fellow blogger and friend, Jess for the gift package for Ruby! So incredibly thoughtful! The first song on the the CD is beautiful! Didn't get to rest yet cause I was too busy snuffling. For the rest of you it's called My Daughter's Eyes. Look it up and heed this warning: get a couple tissues first!!

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