Sunday, January 25, 2009

Auto Show Knitting Club

Sound like an oxymoron? Yea, that's what I thought too! When my friend Tammy suggested it would be a fun thing for us to do while holed up in our hotel rooms in Detroit I actually laughed. I was like, you want to what??? Isn't that for Grannies? Well, she was serious and so were a bunch of the girls. Hmmmm, I thought. Knitting??? Okay, well, far be it from me to not try something new. I borrowed some knitting needles from my Dad's fiance, Lyn, and decided to try. My friend Christine bought me some beautiful pink yarn so I could make something for the baby. I almost gave up after the first night. Tammy kept telling how zen and relaxing it was but for me it was extremely tedious and boring. I was so annoyed that I tossed the whole ball of yarn in the corner of the room and that is where it sat for a good few days. Then everyone started bring their project to work. And showing off their new creations. Now my pride started kicking in. If they can figure it out, then surely I can! So low and behold, I went to Tammy's room last night with another friend, Sara, and the 3 of us sat their knitting. I can't believe it. I can knit! And once I got the hang of it, it WAS relaxing. Who knew? I highly doubt this will be a favorite past time, but it is kinda cool to be making a home made gift for Ruby. I'll post a pic when it actually looks like something. Being a beginner I have decided to make something very simple. It will be a baby blanket for Ruby's first baby doll she got for Christmas. In pink,  of course!
Tammy & Patricia all eager to start. These pics are from the first night, a week ago.
Christine, Sara, & Darci looking very determined and dedicated.

All of us settling in on the floor. You can see I am much more dedicated to what is on TV than my knitting. LOL.


Jessica said...

I love it. A friend tried to teach me to crochet earlier this year, but I stunk at it. Once I got the hang of it, it was strangely soothing (and I did it while watching tv). I never got farther than a 1/2 a dolly blanket though.

Hang in there referral wise. We've seen a lot of mov't at our agency "off track." I'm not sure why, but things are definitely moving. Just not in the way we expected.

Carey and Norman said...

I've never knitted, but I too have heard it is very relaxing. Looking forward to seeing Ruby's first blanket, sweater, etc.

rosemary said...

I just started taking knitting lessons at my local east side yarn shop. So far I'm not really understanding what I'm doing but I am determined to make a baby blanket!

Kam said...

I love to knit. I learned a few years ago. The only thing I've ever tackled is a scarf. I've made a gazillion of those! But it can become addicting if you let it...I actually got to where I could knit and watch a movie and not look at what I was doing! Probably couldn't do that now as it has been months...but it is good for passing time. Don't take knitting needles in your carryon least not internationally. I did this once...mine were metal. Big mistake. Live and learn I guess!

Ellie said...

My sister knits the most awesome things!! She made herself some adorable slippers recently! My Laurel begs for me to teach her, but the problem is...I don't know how to knit! Maybe when I'm through school I'll learn to knit!