Don't know if my bad habits are rubbing off on the husband or if he is just super excited about his little girl - quite certain it's the latter. I found a box on the porch when I came home and opened it to find these cute noise canceling ear muffs and fuzzy headset for ipod. So cute and great protection. Made for babies and toddlers. Not expensive either. Think he got both for$35.00. Can buy on (sorry Rosemary!) He even did something that is so typically me. He saw some ball players child at a game (okay that part isn't me) and looked up a pic of them on google. He found out what brand it is and ordered online. That is the part that is me, of course. I look up everything and research for hours if I want to find something. Little does he know that I had been eyeballing those ear muffs for some time after I saw Gwyneth's girl, Apple had sported them at a concert. Ruby will be in good company!
Hey Jen! Love those pink headphones! How sweet!
Wanted to let you know that a friend told me about two Thai children's books! She said that they are her kiddos favorites! They are called "Hush: A Thai Lullaby" and "Peek: A Thai Hide and Seek". The first has won awards and the illustrations are gorgeous! They are like bedtime books and I'm thinking they'd be awesome for our sweet Thai babies!
I'm posting about them tomorrow but you can order them from Amazon if you're interested! Hope all is well...
Waiting with you~
Thanks, Kam! I actually bought them both already an they are GREAT. Very sweet and nicely illustrated. Also got one called an Elephant in the Backyard that shows life in a Thai village. I bought a library's worth of books this summer when the wait was really getting to me. Somehow I am handling it much better now. I guess cause I know it's not that much longer. At least I hope not!! :-)
Very cool!! What a great daddy!
love the headphones and I love that Jeff bought sweet. I hope you get your referral soon...Miss Ruby needs to come on home.
Will you send me an invite to your blog. I was thinking we had exchanged emails....but who knows.
Thanks and looking forward to hearing some good news on your end. Glad you figured out the knitting...I couldn't and finally stopped trying.
I wished for you is another really good adoption book if you don't have it!!
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