Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Garden Bug

...has bit!  I did say I wanted to get busy with another project, didn't I? Well, this one will keep me good and busy for awhile.

Been at it since Saturday. When it warms up around here we get pretty excited. The first nice weekend we practically sprint outside to clean up, weed, plant, mulch, and all that jazz.  We get so excited, in fact, that we forget that our muscles haven't moved this much all winter! I was out since today from 9am off and on till 7ish and Jeff joined me mid-day after he was done with his work. Tonight we are tired and achey, but BOY, did we get a lot done!

I was going to call this post "Me and My Bright Ideas" a few days ago, but was too exhausted to type! I decided it would be a grand idea to put boxwoods around the edge of the patio. Simple, right? Buy some boxwoods, dig a hole, plant, water. Yea, well, not exactly the way it went.

Turns out when we had the patio done they laid a lot of rock and some heavy black tarps around the whole perimeter of the patio and I was not aware of it. Oops! This made for a LOT of extra work and Jeff was not particularly thrilled with my latest "good idea". In the end, we worked together, dug out the layers of rock, cut the tarp back, planted the boxwoods, and topped it off with some good shrub-growing top soil. Took a few days, but it is done! Ahhh. The sweet smell of success! It looks pretty good and while Jeff finished digging the "mote" around the patio, I planted some pretty snapdragons and other flowers and weeded a lot. I must say it is amazing to me how those darn weeds can survive under any circumstances. There is much more to do out there yet, but we made some definite headway.

Headed to the bath now to soak my weary body. Tomorrow they are calling for rain. We are secretly doing a happy dance. On the inside. Outside won't be moving for a few days. 


Jessica said...

I did weeds this weekend and after an hour, I was toast! I'm impressed you could keep at it for days.

rosemary said...

I bet it looks beautiful. I'm so housebound in this tiny NYC apartment that I'm desperate for some spring gardening but I do know how sore that makes a person. Enjoy a long hot bath!

Ellie said...

Sounds like a lot of work that will pay off for years to come! Boxwoods are Eric's FAVORITE! He absolutely loves their smell... reminds him of Williamsburg, I think.

Julie said...

Sounds like you got so much done. We have a weekend of sweeping up leaves here as Autumn is well under way. Love the photos of spring flowers.