Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Weekly Inspiration: LAUGHTER

Good for the heart. Good for the soul. Good for the parents that are waiting eternally for their child, too! The other day Jeff & I rented "Yes Man" and it was hilarious. Such a good laugh and we needed it as Jeff had a stressful week of work and I had the impending Mother's Day on my mind. It was really the husband's pick as I am not always a fan of Jim Carrey. Well,  he did good! In this movie Carrey was brilliant. We both had a good laugh and the "moral of the story" - so to speak - was that life shouldn't be wasted and you should go out and say YES to things more. Yes to something you never thought of doing. Yes to things were afraid to do. Yes to things you just never got around to or were never open to try.

We were still discussing it an hour later and I just stopped and looked at Jeff. I said, sooooo honey.....want to go ice skating some day at Rockefeller center? Want to go back to the gym with me? Want to go into the city more often?  To my surprise, he said YES! Why not? (Although I believe the yes to ice skating was followed by "I will take you and Ruby ice skating some day").  We'll see! 

Then he came back with a few of his own. He said, hey, want to go to a game sometime? How about watch football with me? Gulp. Beat at my own game. But you know what? Life is short... I said YES!

Good motivation and good laughs. And you know what? I think we are going to have us some fun!


Jessica said...

Sometimes all we can do is laugh. The adoption application should come with a warning (don't they say this about babies too?) - "you're about to lose all sense of control." Sometimes all we have is our chuckle or frusterated giggle. Thanks for reminding me!

Chris and Terri said...

I need to watch this movie! I'm ready to just sit and laugh for a while!

Ellie said...

So cute! Yes, a good reminder to not be so quick to say, "No"! Hang in there, girl!!
Love ya,

Mireille said...

You are right! Say more YES, so I say YES to this detox I am going to follow the next 3 weeks...
Had a laughter picture up my blog, we think alike my friend!