Thursday, February 4, 2010

When Life Hands You Snow...

Why not make snow balls? Or a snow man, for that matter? Or snow angels! The point is - why not enjoy it?

I am not a fan of the cold and neither is the husband. Jeff's first reaction to the snow storm that's coming tomorrow was - "Ugg! Again? I'm going to be shoveling all weekend!" It's not exactly how we wanted to spend our weekend. I was disappointed also. However, you can't change the weather so why complain about it? It's much easy to GO with the universe than try to fight it! So go with it I will! And more than that I am going to make it a fun family weekend.

So what to do? Well, first I asked the hubby to bring in fire wood or have ready on the porch to make big, crackling fires. I'm going to pull out the pine cones to make it smell good and they add color, too. As soon as Ruby falls asleep and I am out the door to get all the ingredients for a warm and cozy weekend: marshmallows for roasting, hot chocolate, cookie mix, some kind of snow flake craft project, and hopefully find us some sleds. Ah, the little miss is breathing deep and that is my cue to hit the door running! Wish me luck finding everything!


Mireille said...

This sounds so cozy and fun!! ENJOY! Can't wait to see pictures of Ruby in the snow :-)

Jessica said...

Hope you stayed toasty and had fun!