Friday, September 17, 2010

Full Sobs

Well, my optimism yesterday was premature. She's not been sleeping well the last few days which is probably making her a bit more emotional about an already hard transition. Last night we actually went up very early. She was out by 7:30. However, she woke up with a night terror an hour later. She slept a good long time then, but woke up at 6am crying also so I laid with her for an hour. This is hitting her hard. We talk about it positively and gently with her (showing no emotion) and she still cried off and on all morning. This morning's hand off was even worse than yesterday and when I called the school 20 minutes later she was still crying. Feeling so bad for her! I know it's supposed to be an adjustment and that kids often cry. People tell me this is all normal and she'll get used to it. So why do I feel like the worst mom ever for making her do it? Is it too soon? She's only 3-1/2. I am also regretting not walking her in. I knew it in my gut but went with the school's system of having them take her out of the car instead. I talked to them today and told them I wanted to walk her in next week and spend a couple minutes like I did with summer camp. Just for a few days or so till she is used to it. I know my child and she responds to gentle transitions. I explained that the taking her out of the car bit and away from her mother may be very scary to her. They were super understanding about it. Thank God they were so nice and are willing to let me do that. If only I stuck to my guns and did it this week maybe she would have had a better time. *Sigh* I need to get moving! Gonna do some grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning so I don't sit here coulda-shoulda-woulda-ing myself to death! Making a quiche and crust from scratch so I figure that will be good to keep me focused on something else! I'm also going to make it a real special afternoon for her today. Packing a picnic lunch complete with cookies, sidewalk chalk, her bike and some bubbles and taking her to the park. I'm so glad it's the weekend and my little girl will feel happy and secure again! And one good thing, we sure know this child is attached!


Ellie said...

Bless her little heart!! Hang in there, Jen!!! It's got to be incredibly tough on you. Walking her in should definitely help. Before you know it, she'll be loving school, and looking forward to time with her new friends!

chaniemom said...

I'm actually a preschool teacher. So, I get to see the kids after the parents leave them with us. For most of them it only takes a couple of weeks or one week at the least. But, then there are a few kids that can take longer. We had one girl who SCREAMED bloody murder almost non-stop for months. She sounded like a wounded cougar cub. But, I'm happy to say that she, too, has now adjusted. So, yes, it's true to that it takes time. One thing that often helps some kids are bubbles. You can always suggest something like that to the teachers, if they haven't tried it, already.

Pink Velvet Mommy said...

Oh my dear friend! I am so dreading this!! You are so much stronger than me.....pretty sure I would have escaped with her and convinced myself it was too early for school. I am going to watch you and follow in your footsteps. I do think walking her in for awhile would help. H would need me to do that as well. H talks about going to school and I say someday you will go. She doesn't realize mommy doesn't go too:(
Hope this week goes better! At least we know she was the cutest and by all means the best dressed!!!!

Mireille said...

It would be more out of the ordinary if she didn't cry!! Hang in there, she and YOU will adjust ;-)

Maci Miller said...

Thanks, friends! We are getting there...SLOWLY. I appreciate all the support and advice. Chandra - didn't know you were a pre-K teacher. How nice.
And Jules...well she might be the best dressed kid in town but only cause Hayden's not going there! :-)