Sunday, November 21, 2010

Brighter Days Ahead

Well, I am feeling more like myself tonight and more confident that it's only gonna get brighter around here. Today was a very nice day. It started with a call from my mom. After a week of scary high blood sugar levels, she finally had a read of only 207. The insulin and new medication are working and she's gonna be okay. Whew! She's on a new diet, too, and so far so good. Thanks for all your kind emails and comments. As far as everything else in our life...we all have bad days - or weeks as the case may be - but we also know it could be a lot worse. We are lucky to have all we have. Most importantly, we are lucky to have so many wonderful family members and friends.

But back to today...The last month has flown by and we hadn't seen much of my brother or nephew. This is in stark contrast to the days where we'd trip over each other this summer. You'd think we would have been sick of each other - but no - we missed those guys! So today was really a nice time. Jason and Ryan came over for lunch and spent the whole day. The kids played, the adults talked and snacked. We all kicked some balls around the yard and then Ruby & Ryan watched a movie together, snuggled close on the couch. It was really a nice relaxing day.

Oh, and I got the most WONDERFUL early birthday and Christmas present! Jason gave them to me early in case I wanted to use them for Thanksgiving. A Le Creuset French oven and skillet!
Aren't they just beautiful? (Yes, I did just call cookware beautiful.) Cast iron and enamel, non-stick, dishwasher safe cookware that goes from stovetop to oven to table. Love the color, too. Been drooling over these for a long time and when a winery was giving this out for the top salesmen my bro pulled out all the stops! He could have received cash but instead he got these for me! Is that sweet or what? Can hardly wait to whip something up in these bad boys! My bro rocks!

So the celebration has begun. My birthday isn't until Tuesday and although I wasn't excited much about it this year, it sure has been nice so far. Friday night I went out with 2 great friends for dinner and drinks and the dads watched the kids. A very fun night and next up we have Jeff's family all coming on Wednesday and Thursday for Thanksgiving. Should be a wonderful time! Counting my blessings and realizing there are many!


Pink Velvet Mommy said...

Happy happy early birthday! Wishing you a day and year ahead as great as you!!!

We all have tough times(feeling them myself right now). But we are so blessed(beyond measure) and this too shall pass!! In the mean time we are sending you hugs of friendship!!

Happy thanksgiving, and give yourself and that beauty of yours a BIG squeeze!!!

Mireille said...

What a beautiful gift! I always called these pans Dutch ovens, but I just looked it up and actually they are both called Dutch or French ovens, it just depends what you prefer to name it.... I have one as well and cook in it all the time!! You can even bake rustic bread in it, here a link for you: