Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Big Girl Bed, Little Girl Nightmares

Well, we did it. We got the crib/toddler bed out of there. We picked out new sheets. Again, the ONLY choice was the Disney Princesses. Luckily, Target had exactly what we needed. 
Day 1 she was super excited. I believe she slept through half of that night. Hard to say because I have been sleep deprived ever since. Two steps forward and three behind, my friends. She sleeps in her new bed with no problem, but the part about me sleeping in the other room with Daddy has not gone over well. Some nights I sit (like tonight) on the computer in her room until she is out. It's just easier. Other nights I explain that I'm going but then she says she's not tired or gets herself all worked up. She has nightmares and still gets a bit afraid of being alone...
Of course, it's not like she is totally alone in that bed. She has quite the posse in there!

Anyway, we are still trying. For 3 nights she woke up between 3 and 4am crying, so I slept there half the night. Once I was able to comfort her and leave. Now the last 2 nights she slept all night but then woke up at 7am to cry for me. We are getting there....I think. I mean this HAS to be progress, right? I am hoping so cause I'm REALLY tired this week.

We are back to doing star stickers on the calendar. This time it's for not only sleeping in her bed, but in her room alone all night. I give her a star if she makes it till 7am (although CLEARLY that is not what time we should be waking up! At least not until school starts!)

I leave you with one last photo...

Munching on tea and bread in our room. Is it me or does she look sooo big and long here? I feel like she has really grown this summer! When did that happen? Guess we were all having too much fun to notice. 

Wish me good luck sleeping tonight! Praying for a late wake up!


dawn said...

Rosie WILL NOT sleep in her room. She will not sleep in any room alone. She used to, when she first came home she slept in her room in the dark no less, like a champ. Now she has to sleep with someone. Lily prefers to sleep with someone too so they either both sleep in Lily's room or both sleep in Rosie's room OR both with us.
Good luck, the sleep deprivation thing is rotten

Wendy said...

Every little girl should have a canopy!

Jessica said...

Okay, first of all, love the bed. Second of all, we had worked out our sleep issues only to have them reoccur again when we went to a big boy bed (which we had to do b/c he didn't fit the toddler bed anymore). Now that it's been about two weeks, they're ironing themselves out again. For us, it's just been about having the energy to wait out the problem spots. Crossing my fingers for both of us.

Wishing you sweet, sweet sleep, friend!

ellie said...

Awww! Ruby is just precious in that big girl bed! And, my goodness, is she looking BIG!!!

Wow, that's so tough, that she's having such a hard time adjusting to sleeping alone. Jacob has struggled for a LONG time with sleep. He doesn't seem to require much sleep, and he has many fears that keep him up, along with nightmares... that boy doesn't get much sleep. We finally decided to give him melatonin to help him relax and rest. Now, though, he thinks he HAS to have it to sleep :)

Lily hasn't had to face sleeping alone yet. I can totally see how it would be difficult for these kiddos... no security when they were little, so many changes in their lives, never sleeping alone for so many years... It makes complete sense. Lily and Laurel share a room, and that works wonderfully for us. When Laurel is away, either Jack goes in and sleeps in the top bunk, or I bring her in with me if Eric's at work. I tried to put Lily down this week when Laurel was sleeping at a friends' house. Lily didn't complain, but she didn't fall asleep. I layed there for an hour w/ her, then went to put the boys in bed, checked back in, and she was still awake! She was exhausted, as we had spent the day at a water park, but she managed to stay awake for an hour and a half!!! I asked her, "Do you want Jack to sleep in here?" She was very quick to say yes. Soon after he came in, she was out! Such a sweetie!

Hoping you are getting some much needed zzzz's!

Hoping we can meet up sometime with our girls!!!! I need to research a trip out East! :)

Anonymous said...

I love the picture Ruby laying your bed she looks like she about 15. Hopefully your nights are getting better.

c & b said...

A couple of thoughts. Did you have her help you take down the crib and help set up the bed? Doing that seem to really drive home the concept for M that she was a big girl ready to sleep in a big girl bed when we transitioned. She got to help and be a part of it, like a rite of passage or something.

Second, does R sleep with a night light? Perhaps you two can choose one of her liking. The nightlight helped M to know that she wasn't in total darkness and it allows her some down time before drifting off to sleep so if she wants to rearrange sleeping arrangements (for her toys) she can and feel a little in control (I think).

One more thought, in the past when M has a tough time going down and she would come out of her room, we sometimes would go back, tuck her in again, be with her for a few minutes and then tell her we're gonna leave (to get ready for our bed) but would tell her we'd leave her door and ours open though she had to stay in bed. It helped at times to do that.

Hope you get some sleep soon!

c & b said...

Oh, one more ritual/tactic we've tried in the past: We kiss her g'nite, and then it'd be her turn to tuck in all her "pals" on her bed (like we do, a squeeze, a kiss, an "I love you, sleep tight, sweet dreams, see you in the morning." and after she's all done "playing mommy" we tuck her in, and go through the same routine (but quietly/whisper b/c her pals are *asleep*) with her.